homeschool resource center
About LHRC

Legacy Homeschool Resource Center empowers homeschooling families with essential tools, training, and an unwavering support system. We are dedicated to providing a faith-based education that holistically develops students and prepares the next generation of leaders guided by Christian principles. Our mission is to create an enduring legacy of faith, knowledge, and service by uniting and equipping parents, students, and educators.

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Jennifer Burtram – Why We Choose to Homeschool

As a teacher, instructional coach, and certified administrator, I considered public schools my mission field for many years. However, in November of 2019, I began to feel God preparing me for something new. I attended a local homeschool conference that January just to see what it was all about, and I listened to a speaker talk about his book entitled, Education: Does God Have an Opinion? I was embarrassed to admit I had been an educator for 15 years…and I wasn’t sure what God’s opinion was.  As I read through the pages of that book, it became abundantly clear that God’s idea for educating his children was that parents have the primary responsibility to “teach them diligently” (Deuteronomy 6:7) in His ways.

Though I had taught other children for over a decade, I was nervous about teaching mine.  I joined all the local homeschool groups on social media, put in countless hours of online research, chose curriculum and started homeschooling that August with my then 3rd and 5th grader.  We had rocky days (and still do), but over the last few years we have slowly laid down our expectations of what school should look like based on our previous experiences, and we have embraced the freedom that comes with an education that is tailor-made for our family.

Everyday, I see posts from parents who are considering homeschooling because they are running FROM something. My prayer is that more eyes would be opened to homeschooling as an option parents can confidently run TOWARD. Will it be easy? No. Will it be costly? Yes. Will it be worth it? Most definitely, yes. It is the road less traveled, but we believe it will make all the difference. 

One of the things I wished I knew sooner about homeschooling is what an amazing community I would find. The families I have met over the past few years have inspired, challenged, and encouraged me on my own journey.  If you are on the fence and feel led to homeschool, don’t be afraid. Step out in faith and do it!  We’ll be right here, and you are not alone. 

He who calls you is faithful; He will surely do it! 1 Thessalonians 5:24