Category: Blog
Legacy Homeschool Resource Center on Spread the Positive Podcast
Abby, Jennifer, and Jessica recently appeared on Trent Denson’s Spread the Positive podcast to discuss homeschooling and the Legacy Homeschool Resource Center. Come listen as they discuss why the Founders started Legacy Homeschool Resource Center. They talk about the tough times, the happy moments, and how rewarding it is to help homeschool families. They also… Read more
Breaking Free from Mom Guilt: Embracing Imperfection and Finding Strength in Today
Yep. It is totally a very real thing. You know, that moment when another mom is talking about how she found out her child loves birds so she signed him up to take birding classes. Meanwhile, you’re thinking, “I can’t even get my kid to comb his hair, let alone figure out his interests and provide him… Read more
Field Trip Spotlight: Oak Ridge, TN
A couple of weeks ago, my family and two others took a day trip to Oak Ridge, TN. We learned about the secret city and saw the home of the Manhattan Project. We had a marvelous time! Since then, I’ve been surprised to discover how little-known that area is by our local homeschool community. We… Read more
Shift and Pivot – In Parenting and Homeschool
When our children struggle and what we have been doing is no longer working, we shift and pivot. It is a skill we learn very early on as parents. We apply it to everything from how and what we feed our children, to discipline, activities, and the choices we offer them. Every single aspect of… Read more
So You’ve Decided to Homeschool. Now What?
I am a second generation homeschooler married to a second generation homeschooler, and we have four school-aged children. We’ve homeschooled all of them from the beginning. I also run a private library out of our home. To say that we have a lot of books and a wide variety of curricula would be an understatement.… Read more
Sneaky Outdoor Learning: Get Outside and Add Some Fun to Your School Day!
Spring is showing off this week! Bright yellow dandelions are luring the honeybees out for fresh food. The purple deadnettle flowers make lovely flower crowns for young pretenders. And the sunshine… Thank you, Lord, for the added sunshine that comes as a gracious reward after these dreary winter days! Nature is calling us, and we… Read more
Living an Interruptible Life
The first time I ever thought about the idea of an interruptible life was when a woman I barely knew, a dentist from our Sunday school class in a new state, gave up her free evening to come to my house and rock my sick babies. My triplet daughters were just five months old, sick… Read more
Building a Bigger Table
A little over a year ago, my family and I joined a new church. And with us still being fairly new to homeschooling, it was an added bonus that there was a thriving community of homeschool families in this congregation. I set to work meeting new moms and making new connections. Almost immediately, I met… Read more
Embark on an Extraordinary Homeschool Journey with Legacy Homeschool Resource Center
Are you a homeschool family in Middle Tennessee looking for a supportive community and valuable resources to enhance your homeschooling adventure? At Legacy Homeschool Resource Center, we believe that the journey of supporting homeschool families shouldn’t wait until we have our own space. We are here for you NOW, ready to help make your homeschooling… Read more
Are You Considering Homeschooling? You Are Not Alone.
The number of homeschoolers across the nation has been steadily rising over the last decade. The global pandemic resulted in record numbers of families choosing homeschooling for their children. Rutherford County, Tennessee, reported an 85% increase in homeschool registrations in 2020 alone! Today, almost 7,000 students in Rutherford County are enrolled as independent homeschoolers or… Read more