Author: Legacy Homeschool Resource Center
Beat the January Blues With Homeschool FIELD TRIPS!
Last year, I almost didn’t survive January. Cold, cloudy days. Seemingly endless rain and snow. So many days indoors with bottled-up energy and no place to use it. It was rough. Now that I know a little better, my best defense against January is Book. Those. Homeschool Field Trips. Homeschool Resources for Parents One of… Read more
Jessica Morgan – Why We Choose to Homeschool
Nine years ago, I was “that mom.” You know that mom, the one that says things like, “Good for you for homeschooling, but it’s just not for me. I don’t have the patience, and my kids would never listen to me.” I was her. Maybe you are “that mom,” too, and if you are,… Read more
Jennifer Burtram – Why We Choose to Homeschool
As a teacher, instructional coach, and certified administrator, I considered public schools my mission field for many years. However, in November of 2019, I began to feel God preparing me for something new. I attended a local homeschool conference that January just to see what it was all about, and I listened to a speaker… Read more
Join Us in Serving Homeschooling Families
At Legacy Homeschool Resource Center, we rely on the passion and generosity of our community to fulfill our mission of supporting homeschool families. There are many ways you can get involved and make a difference! Donate to Support Our Mission Financial donations directly enable us to provide excellent services and resources to homeschooling families. We… Read more