2025: The Year of a Spirit-Led ‘YES’

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2025: The Year of a Spirit-Led ‘YES’

As the new year begins, are you reflecting on the last twelve months and making plans for where you want to go in 2025?  You are not alone, friend. 

With the same zeal of a new homeschool mom with big plans, shiny curriculum, and endless possibilities for how to fill the days, we here at Legacy have spent the last year dreaming, planning, researching, chasing opportunities, attempting to meet all the needs, saying ‘yes’ to every good thing, and now that the year has come to a close we find ourselves…tired

The Trap of Busyness: When Good Things Become Too Much

Can you relate? Have you joined a new group, attended all the field trips, started a new enrichment activity (or two), joined a new club, volunteered for another committee, and, while all these things are good on their own, you feel overwhelmed and long for a slow day at home with your favorite people? We see you. It’s an easy trap. Our culture worships busyness while our souls are worn out and weary. God wants more for us both, dear friend. 

The Power of a Spirit-Led ‘YES’

In the early stages of founding Legacy, we met with several pastors and homeschool community leaders and one piece of advice that we received repeatedly was, “Every YES should be Spirit-led.”  There will always be a multitude of good things to do and worthy needs to fill, but it’s important to stop and ask the Lord first, “Is this the YES you have for me right now?” 

 If the Lord is calling you to say YES to homeschooling, we would be honored to walk alongside you.  Click here to schedule a free meeting where we will listen, encourage, and pray for you in your decision. Think of it as a coffee date with a new friend. 

Finding Your Tribe: A Seat at Legacy’s Table

If you are already homeschooling and looking for a tribe where you can belong, we have a seat saved for you at our table.  We offer workshops to empower parents, classes and sports to engage your students, and community events to enrich your homeschool experience. Click here to view our spring schedule and ask the Lord which YES he has prepared for you this semester.  

Called to Serve? Your YES Could Be the Answer to Our Prayers

Are you well into your homeschooling journey with wisdom to share?  Maybe you have skills and passion to teach a class, coach a team, host a workshop, or mentor new parents?  Oh my, have we been praying for you.  Ask the Lord where he is leading you to say YES to serving others, and click here to learn more about volunteering, teaching, coaching, and mentoring with Legacy.  

Peace, Rest, and Purpose in 2025

In the new year, you will find us streamlining our processes, refining our focus, and simplifying our message, because this is the YES the Lord has for us, and because what we do really isn’t that complicated.  We exist to help you homeschool with confidence in a Christ-centered community. 

Here’s to a year of peace and rest, knowing He will equip us all for every ‘YES’ He calls us to. 

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