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Legacy Homeschool Resource Center empowers homeschooling families with essential tools, training, and an unwavering support system. We are dedicated to providing a faith-based education that holistically develops students and prepares the next generation of leaders guided by Christian principles. Our mission is to create an enduring legacy of faith, knowledge, and service by uniting and equipping parents, students, and educators.

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Homeschooling Advice: A Mentor’s Guide to Embracing the Journey with Grace

Abby Merryman Legacy Homeschool Resource Center

“I know God is calling me to homeschool, but I’m not sure how to get started. Our bills are so high, I’m not even sure if we could make the budget work. What about “me” time? What if I fail, and my kids don’t get into college?”  

Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Or found yourself asking your husband or a good friend? These are some of the most frequently asked questions from those who want to “take the plunge” into homeschooling but don’t know where to start.  

That’s where I come in… Think of me as your homeschooling mentor, your encourager, and your new bestie. 😉  

First things first –

Momma, God gave you those children because he knew you would be the best Mom for them.

Will it be hard? Yes. Will it be rainbows and butterflies all the time, no? Will it be the greatest roller coaster ride of your life? Eh, maybe. But I do know one thing, it will be worth every pain, tear and struggle that comes your way. Rest in the wisdom of the Lord, Mom. He’s got you.  

Next, know that every child anywhere in the world is going to walk out of their schooling career with gaps in their knowledge. There simply isn’t enough time in the day, days in the month and months in the year to provide all the insight and knowledge that we want our kids to possess by the time they graduate high school, and that’s okay. You can pat yourself on the back with a job well done if you have instilled the LOVE of learning and taught your children HOW to learn. They can now use these skills the rest of their life to gain all the knowledge they need. Great job, mom!  

Lastly, I’m going to provide some advice to you, my homeschool newbie and newfound bestie. This likely won’t be the typical advice you will get if you walk up to the homeschooling momma who looks fabulous with her outfit- matching children who never argue, never sit in time out, and are perfect angels. This advice is from the mom who is still raising her three babies who love the Lord, but love to sit on their mom’s last nerve.  

So, listen up.  

Grace, Grace, Grace.

Grace for them when they won’t sit still and listen. Grace for you when you feel like you absolutely cannot recite that multiplication fact another time. And grace for your schedule because, honestly, school can begin again tomorrow.  

Relationship over Education.

I know, I know, this seems taboo in the scholar’s world, but hear me out… Do you remember the exact dates of every world war? Unless you’re a History fanatic, probably not. Do you remember the order of every element in the Periodic Table? The answer is likely no unless you just finished cramming for your Chemistry Final. Can you still explain the literary components of Shakespeare? Hard pass.  

But, do you remember when you were having a horrible, no good, very bad day, and someone gave you a big hug or said your dress was really pretty, and it turned your whole day around? What about when you were raging mad over something silly, and someone offered a bright smile at the grocery store? What about when you were ready to throw in the proverbial towel, and your hubby offered to cook dinner and give you some space? Are you catching on yet? We remember the times when people we don’t even know offer us kindness and love. How much more will our kids remember our big hugs, kind smiles, and encouraging words when they’re having an off day. Momma, your babies live for that! 

If it ain’t workin’, change it.

You’ve heard the phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”…. This is the inverse. I’m the person who wants to finish every page in every book because I paid a lot of money for it, darn it! But, truth be told, if it isn’t a good fit, it will result in misery for all, resentment for that subject, and possibly lots of tears and heartache. If this is you, please refer back to point number 2. Toss that joker into the pile of books you’ll be selling at the used curriculum fair, and go a different direction. I promise it will be okay, and nothing catastrophic will happen. You won’t get bad luck for 7 years, and creepy girls won’t pop out of the new textbook. I’m now having flashbacks to those silly FB posts asking you to share, or else…. UGH! 

Lastly, find a veteran homeschool mom you can trust, and call her all the time!

If you’re walking through an issue, likely she has too. Let her encourage you, pour her wisdom and knowledge into you, and take her up on the offer when she says, “You need some time to yourself, why don’t you bring those babies over here for a bit!” Momma, she wouldn’t ask if she didn’t mean it. Drop those cuties off and go get you a Venti iced coffee with a cake pop, a good book, and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!  

Noone said homeschooling was easy, but what we always say is that homeschooling is worth it. The Lord gave you the ultimate calling in life, and that is to raise your babies well…but that doesn’t mean alone. Find your village. Get connected in your local homeschooling community (ahem, LegacyHRC), and start thriving, Momma. You were made for this!