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Home » Curriculum » Online Classes
Photo of Beast Academy
Beast Academy

Beast Academy, a math curriculum for grades one through five, stands out from all other math programs because it is presented in a comic book format. Cartoon characters—staff and students at Beast Academy—are introduced at the beginning of each book, and the same characters are used throughout the series. Beast Academy Online now also offers students most of the same content presented in an interactive format.

Photo of Classical Historian
Classical Historian

Classical Historian publishes their own teacher guides and student workbooks for history courses that are used with textbooks from other publishers as well as one they publish themselves. The Classical Historian courses teach students how to read with discernment, how to gather information, how to think about and analyze information, and how to discuss and write about what they have studied. They do so within the context of history courses covering different eras. These courses implement classical education strategies such as Socratic discussions and analytical writing. Classical educators will note that the methods used are appropriate for both the dialectic and rhetoric stages. Each course should take a year to complete.

Photo of Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics by Hillsdale College Online Courses
Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics by Hillsdale College Online Courses

Hillsdale College has produced a free economics course, Economics 101: The Principles of Free Market Economics, which can easily serve as a one-semester economics course for high schoolers with some supplementation. The course includes a final exam and a certificate of completion for those who pass, although no college credit is awarded.

Photo of Essentials in Writing (EIW)
Essentials in Writing (EIW)

All Essentials in Writing courses include an instructional video, a student book, and Alternative Instructional Strategies for struggling students.

Essentials in Writing is a complete grammar and composition curriculum for students in grades 1-12.

Photo of Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)

IEW’s methods provide a comprehensive, systematic, graduated approach for developing great writers. Your students will become fully capable of extracting their ideas, organizing their thoughts, and presenting their results clearly and competently.

Photo of Memoria Press
Memoria Press

Memoria Press exists to promote and impart the classical heritage of the Christian West. We do this through an emphasis on the liberal arts and the great works of the Western tradition. In order to achieve this goal, we have produced a comprehensive and accessible classical Christian curriculum that encourages the development of wisdom and virtue through a pursuit of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. Our motto is “Saving Western Civilization One Student at a Time” and expresses our passion for defending and transferring the culture of the Christian West through classical education.

Photo of Monarch

Monarch is available for grades three through twelve in a self-contained, online program from Alpha Omega Publications. It includes full-color graphics, videos, sound, a text-to-speech option, internet excursions, and many other features.

Photo of Shormann Interactive Math: Prealgebra 1 through Calculus 2
Shormann Interactive Math: Prealgebra 1 through Calculus 2

Self-Paced eCourses for Pre-Algebra through Calculus

Key Features:

– Expert video instruction for every lesson

– Interactive homework, quizzes, and exams

– Auto-grading, grade recording, and online grade book

– Video solutions for every homework question

– Q&A support with Dr. Shormann

– Self-Paced course in a state-of-the-art eLearning system

– Shormann Algebra 1 & 2 teach every concept on the PSAT, SAT, and ACT

– PSAT, SAT, and ACT skills are reviewed throughout Precalculus and Calculus

– Based on John Saxon’s proven teaching methods of incremental “bite-sized” lessons with continual review of previously learned concepts

– Integration of geometry and algebra saves time, makes learning geometry easier, builds long-term retention, and raises standardized test scores

– A biblical & historical foundation teaches the “why” of learning math

Photo of Teaching Textbooks: Math 3 through Pre-Calculus
Teaching Textbooks: Math 3 through Pre-Calculus

Teaching Textbooks is the award-winning homeschool math app that experts describe as beyond open and go. No other homeschool curriculum lifts the entire burden of math education off the parent. These fantastic courses were designed specifically for homeschoolers in order to solve some of the issues that make math challenging for them. The courses are great for independent study since they are easy for students to use on their own, they require no work on the part of parents, and they are relatively inexpensive for sophisticated, computerized courses.