homeschool resource center
About LHRC

Legacy Homeschool Resource Center empowers homeschooling families with essential tools, training, and an unwavering support system. We are dedicated to providing a faith-based education that holistically develops students and prepares the next generation of leaders guided by Christian principles. Our mission is to create an enduring legacy of faith, knowledge, and service by uniting and equipping parents, students, and educators.

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LHRC Nature Co-Op at Wilderness Station
Week 1 - August 8
River Exploration Day
Week 2 - August 22
Bug Sweep!
Week 3 - September 12
Birds of Prey
Week 4 - Sept. 26
Tennessee Flora and Fauna
Week 5 - Oct. 10
Animal Mysteries
Week 6 - Oct. 24
Face Your Fears
Week 7 - Nov. 14
If Fossils Could Talk
Week 8 - Nov. 21
You Are What You Eat
Week 9 - December 12
Animal Station Rotations

LHRC Nature Co-Op at Wilderness Station

Jennifer Burtram

About this course


Click Here to pay your class fees




Legacy Homeschool Resource Center is proud to partner with The Wilderness Station at Barfield Park to offer hand-on classes in:

  • River Safety and Exploration
  • Survival Skills and Shelter Building
  • Archery Tag
  • Insect and Tree ID
  • Terrarium Tinker
  • Owl Pellet Dissection
  • Birds of Prey Biology
  • Native Plant Identification
  • Plant Dissection
  • Lichen Hike
  • Animal Tracking and Nutrition
  • Orienteering
  • Fossil Formations and Rubbings
  • Animal Habitat Studies
  • Toad Abodes


Nature Co-Op Details:


  • Twice monthly meetings on Thursdays from August to December.  (Only one meeting in December)
  • Three groups of 30 students each will rotate through stations with similar age peers (K-2, 3-5, 6+)
  • Wilderness Station does encourage parents to stay and does not charge for parents.
  • Wilderness Station programming will be from 9:30-12:00 each meeting. Legacy HRC to oversee lunch and games at a pavilion for 1 hour after rotations.


Legacy Homeschool Resource Center partners with The Wilderness Station at Barfield Park for a hands-on Nature Co-Op. Twice monthly Thursdays August-December, students in K-2, 3-5, and 6+ age groups rotate through outdoor stations like river safety, shelter building, archery tag, wildlife identification, dissections, tracking, orienteering, fossils, and habitat studies. Three 30-student groups attend 9:30AM-12PM sessions, with Legacy overseeing lunch/games until 1PM. Parents stay free during the immersive nature programming.

Week 1 - August 8
River Exploration Day

Classes include: River safety talk, campground survival skills, archery tag and tent competition.

Week 2 - August 22
Bug Sweep!

Classes include: Tarantula presentation and bug garden catches, tree identification hike, and terrarium tinker.

Week 3 - September 12
Birds of Prey

Classes include: All About Owls, pellet dissection, birding hike, and birds of prey talk.

Week 4 - Sept. 26
Tennessee Flora and Fauna

Classes include: Native plants talk and plant dissection, hike for lichens, native garden scavenger hunt and seed bomb.

Week 5 - Oct. 10
Animal Mysteries

Classes include: Animal tracking and skat identification hike, mystery hike using theme from spring, and orienteering - finding your way in the wild.

Week 6 - Oct. 24
Face Your Fears

Classes include: Creepy crawly presentation on snakes, snake hunters unpaved path hike, and turtle talk.

Week 7 - Nov. 14
If Fossils Could Talk

Classes include: Fossil presentation, unpaved hike for limestone formations, and clay fossils with fossil rub and sketch.

Week 8 - Nov. 21
You Are What You Eat

Classes include: Animal talk on nutrition and 1 animal feeding, habitat hike, and Toad Abode at the pavillion.

Week 9 - December 12
Animal Station Rotations

Animal Station Rotations